
AMC2010-Nagaoka is the eleventh in a series of biennial workshops that brings together researchers active in the field of advanced motion control to discuss current developments and future perspectives on motion control technology.
The workshop will be held at Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka-city, Niigata, Japan, on March 21–24, 2010.
The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE The Industrial Electronics Society (IES) .
Important dates
Deadline for Submission of Organized Session Proposal: August 31, 2009
Deadline for Submission of Paper Summaries: October 15th, 2009 November 23th, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2009 December 31th, 2009
Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscripts: January 15, 2010January 31th, 2010
What's New
- 2010.03,24
- Conference Photograph(24th) is updated.
- 2010.03,23
- Conference Photograph(23th) is updated.
- 2010.03,22
- Conference Photograph(22th) is updated.
- 2010.03,09
- The Advance Program is updated.
- 2010.02.17
- The Advance Program is updated.
- 2010.01.21
- The Advance Program is updated.

Technical co-sponsors